Our Approach

It’s no understatement that great sex education is life-changing. We believe that everyone has a right to a Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) that reflects themselves and the society they live in. By placing empathy and activism at the heart of our approach we are working towards more equal relationships filled with consent, respect and pleasure.

We run workshops with young people

Our workshops are designed to deepen young people’s knowledge of RSHE, strengthen their emotional awareness, improve their communication skills and give them the confidence and self-understanding to engage with how RSHE topics play out within wider society. 

We believe that RSHE should be happening inside and outside of classrooms, and we offer these workshops in a variety of different spaces.

We work closely with the delivery school, organisation or community setting to ensure that our workshops have maximum impact and that the content is tailored appropriately to the group of young people.

We train educators

From our work in schools and alongside teachers, we know that educators can feel anxious about teaching RSHE, and often don’t know where to start. 

First and foremost, our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training sessions and resources offer teachers the chance to explore what great RSHE looks like. We have a deep passion for teaching RSHE and our primary goal is to ignite this same excitement in teachers. 

Our training sessions can be slotted into INSET days and Twilights, providing a chance for reflection and the opportunity to put into practice tools and methods which can be taken directly into the classroom.

We consult with schools and community organisations

We know that meaningful RSHE happens when there is a holistic approach. That’s why we offer 1:1 support to schools and community organisations who’d like to review their existing RSHE provision or start from scratch.

We’re able to offer expert advice on schemes of work, lesson plans, policies, whole-school or whole-organisation approaches and how to best up skill your staff and put this into practice.

After our consultation, you’ll go away with a plan of action on how to implement high-quality RSHE for the young people in your setting.

We deliver whole-school packages

We know that the greatest impact comes from working with a school over a longer period of time. Our whole-school packages combine all levels of support: student workshops, staff training, consultation and access to ready-to-use classroom resources.

This wraparound support ensures that all students and staff can thrive and wider positive cultural change can happen across a school.

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