Work with us


Advisory Group

We’re recruiting for 12 people aged 18-25 to join our first ever Youth Advisory Group and we’re recruiting for 3 folks aged 25+ to join our Advisory Group, which already exists (and is brilliant!).

Full info on both roles + how to apply below.

  • Key information

    • We are looking for 18-25 year olds to join our first ever Youth Advisory Group, who will help Split Banana in our mission to improve Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). 

    • We are looking to find 12 people to form the group. 

    • This role is for folks who are living in the UK. 

    • We ask our Youth Advisory Group members to join three mandatory online meetings per year, with some opportunities for ad-hoc work in between. All work is paid (more info in the full description below). You must be able to commit to this to apply. 

    • We need people who can be part of the group for at least one year (Mar 2025 - Feb 2026). You must be able to commit to this to apply. 

    • The deadline to apply is6pm on Sunday 23rd February 2025 (full details on how to apply below).

    About Split Banana

    Split Banana delivers Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) in three ways: by running RSHE workshops with young people; by training teachers; and by consulting with schools and community organisations on their RSHE provision. 

    Great RSHE results in happier, healthier young people. Each year, our work impacts the lives of thousands of young people and hundreds of educators. We have a small, committed team who make this happen. 

    Since we set up in 2019, we’ve had an Advisory Group made up of experts across business, education and marketing who have helped us to grow and have held us accountable. 

    Now, we’d like to form a Youth Advisory Group to help us to continue to improve our work by and for young people. This is our first year doing this, so we’re running it as a pilot. This means that Youth Advisors have the opportunity to shape what the group looks like in more detail. 

    About the role

    The main benefits for Youth Advisory Group members are:

    1. Personal development

    As part of our Youth Advisory Group you will discuss the real-life experiences and issues facing young people today that are related to sex and relationships. You will be guided through reflection methods to understand your own thoughts and communication techniques to express these to others and discuss in a productive way. You will have the chance to develop skills like communication, decision-making, problem-solving and creativity. 

    1. Career development

    Our Youth Advisory Group will provide a safe setting to learn and develop professional skills and build a network of like-minded individuals. Split Banana sits across the worlds of activism, education and social entrepreneurship. We are keen to connect you to people who work in areas which you would like to learn more about. We will also be able to provide you with a reference and LinkedIn endorsements for other professional roles. 

    1. Social justice

    RSHE isn’t just about having safer sex. We believe it is also an important way of building a more equal society through challenging issues such as misogyny, harmful body image ideals and gender-based violence. It is also a chance to imagine a world which is a more joyous place to be: one where people feel safe to explore their sexuality, understand how to build fulfilling relationships and enjoy their reproductive rights. Your input will work towards building this world.

    The main purposes of the Youth Advisory Group are to:

    1. Help to co-create content that reflects how young people are experiencing the world today. This might be suggesting ideas for or actually making content for our in-school curriculum, social media platforms, marketing campaigns and more. 

    2. Hold SB accountable to ensure the decisions we make as a business are always in the best interests of young people. This might be helping to review our business strategy, aims and objectives to ensure that young people are placed front and centre. 

    3. Offer insight and feedback on Split Banana’s approaches and ways of working. This might be helping us to ensure that our recruitment is always inclusive, our Youth Advisory Group processes and values are co-created and providing suggestions for how we might best look after the health and wellbeing of our team and wider community. 

    How it will work:

    • We ask your to join 3 x online meetings per year. These will be hosted termly (once every 3-4 months) online. The meetings will be 1.5 hours long, with 1 hour prep - all paid at a rate of £15 per hour (you can choose between vouchers or direct bank transfer). These meetings are mandatory. If meetings are not attended there will be no payment and we will review that person’s role in the group. 

    • We might also ask for help in between meetings, depending on the projects we have on. This is ad-hoc work and you can decide whether you want to contribute, based on your availability. This will also be paid at a rate of £15 per hour. 

    • We ask for a minimum commitment of 1 year (March 2025 - February 2026) and we will review after this whether people would like to stay on for another year, before graduating from our Youth Advisory Group after 2 years. 

    • We ask you to adhere to Split Banana values of inclusivity, respect, fairness and fun. We will also co-create a Code of Conduct together. 

    • This is our first year doing this, so we’re running it as a pilot. This means that Youth Advisors have the opportunity to shape what the group looks like in more detail. 

    Our proposed dates for meetings are:

    • Tuesday 18th March, 4-5.30pm

    • Tuesday 8th July, 4-5.30pm

    • Tuesday 21st October, 4-5.30pm

    About you

    We’re looking for people who are passionate about the need for better RSHE. 

    However, you do not need any previous experience of being in a Youth Advisory Group or doing youth social action. You do not need any specific qualifications, level of education or to be based in London.  

    Perhaps you are committed to reshaping education, to make sure that others have a better experience than you had. Maybe you are a content creator with an interest in educating others about sexuality, relationships and challenging societal norms. You might want to learn more about activism or the world of non-profits in general. Maybe you are just interested in these topics and want to share your thoughts and build your skills! 

    You might be someone that is at college or university, or you might be in the workplace, or caring for someone. Whatever your situation, we welcome it. We just ask that you are able to commit to termly online meetings, which are compulsory to be a part of the group.

    We’re keen for our Advisory Group to reflect the diversity of experiences within the UK. As such, we want to hear from people from different socio-economic backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, abilities, genders and sexes.

    How to apply

    To apply:

    1. Fill out this form to let us know a bit more about you. Your information is stored securely and will not be shared with anyone outside of Split Banana. 

    2. Please answer these 3 questions, either by writing (200 words max for each question) or by recording a voice note or a video (1 min max for each question):

      • Introduce yourself - what are your hobbies, interests, things that are important to you?

      • Why are you interested in being part of Split Banana’s Youth Advisory Group?

      • If you could change one thing about Relationships and Sex Edcuation, what would it be?

    Send your answers to by 6pm on Sunday 23rd February. 

    If you need support with your application, please email or sign up to one of our drop in sessions on Monday 13th January or Monday 17th February 17.30-18.30. During these times, you are welcome to drop in without an appointment via this Zoom link to ask questions about the application process. 

    All shortlisted applicants will be invited to a selection workshop, so please hold 17.00-18.30 on Wednesday 5th March 2025 for this. 

    The final decision will be based on ensuring that we have lots of different backgrounds and experiences reflected in the group and that everyone is passionate about the same mission: to improve RSHE in the UK. We particularly encourage applications from folks who are underrepresented in the RSHE space: young men, disabled young people, looked after young people, asylum-seeking/refugee young people, young people with experience of alternative provision education settings and young people living in rural areas, particularly the North East and South West of England. 

  • Key information

    • We are looking for three people to join our Advisory Group, who will help us in our mission to improve Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). 

    • We will then have eight Advisory Group members in total. 

    • This role is for folks 25+ (those under 25 are recommended to consider our Youth Advisory Group) who are living in the UK. 

    • We ask Advisory Group members to commit to two 90-minute online meetings per year, as well as two 60-minute 1:1s between this. 

    • This is an unpaid charitable role. 

    • We’d like to hear from people who can commit to at least two years of being in the group (2025-2026). 

    • We are specifically looking for folks who have expertise in: business strategy, education marketing, digital strategy, sales, media and journalism. 

    • The deadline to apply is 6pm on Sunday 23rd February 2025 (full details on how to apply below).

    About Split Banana

    Split Banana delivers Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) in three ways: by running RSHE workshops with young people; by training teachers; and by consulting with schools and community organisations on their RSHE provision. 

    Great RSHE isn’t just about having safer sex. We believe it is also an important way of building a more equal society through challenging problems such as misogyny, harmful body image ideals and gender-based violence. It is also a chance to imagine a world which is a more joyous place to be: one where people feel safe to explore their sexuality, understand how to build fulfilling relationships and enjoy their reproductive rights. 

    Your input as an Advisory Group member will work towards building this world. Since we set up in 2019, we’ve had an Advisory Group made up of experts across business, education and marketing. The work of our Advisory Group has been absolutely essential to help us make strategic decisions, grow consciously and hold us accountable.

    We are a tiny team of 3 doing big work. Each year, our work impacts the lives of thousands of young people and hundreds of educators. To date, we have impacted more than 83,000 young people through direct workshops and indirect staff training. 

    This year, we are also forming a Youth Advisory Group to help us to continue to build our work by and for young people. 

    About the role

    The main benefits for Advisory Group members are:

    • Personal development
      Being an Advisory Group member offers a unique platform for personal growth. You will meet a diverse range of people from various backgrounds and industries and have a chance to build relationships which might open doors to new opportunities and lasting connections.  

    • Professional experience
      Within the Advisory Group, you will have the opportunity to contribute your ideas, share your expertise, and innovate, imagine and create with other members and the core SB team. We will bring participatory collaboration methods to meetings so that you can learn new techniques, build skills and expand your professional toolkit. 

    • Social impact
      Our Advisory Group directly contributes to our mission of supporting young people to build healthy relationships with their minds, their bodies and each other. The impact of quality RSHE is huge: improved mental health, better self-esteem, reduced risky behaviours, prevention of domestic violence and more (Three Decades of Research, 2021). You will be donating your time, skills and expertise to this invaluable social cause. 

    The main purposes of the Advisory Group are to:

    • Offer strategic guidance and ideas on opportunities and challenges that we bring to you. This might be working through a problem e.g how can we reach more schools or how can we grow our team with limited funding. 

    • Bring industry expertise from your diverse roles, sectors and perspectives. This might be supporting the SB team with business decisions, sales and marketing campaigns, wider education sector knowledge etc. 

    • Offer networking connections with relevant stakeholders to widen our reach and impact. This might be linking us up with people who you think would benefit from our work or want to hear about it: teachers, schools, councils, corporates, journalists, charities and more. 

    How it will work: 

    • We hold bi-annual group meetings online (one in June and one in December), which are 90 minutes long. We will send agendas and any documents or plans that we’d like your feedback on 2 weeks prior to the meeting. 

    • We ask for bi-annual 1:1 sessions online between this, based on your area of expertise, which are 60 minutes long. This might include: financial modeling, marketing strategy, sales planning, fundraising application review. 

    • We are looking for individuals who have the capacity to commit to all of the above.

    About you

    We’re looking for people who are: passionate about the power of RSHE, have diverse skills and expertise to share and want to help us achieve our mission to support young people navigate the world of sex and relationships in a safe, healthy and positive way. 

    Specifically, we’re looking for people with skills from within business strategy, education marketing and sales, or journalism.

    Maybe you work for a large education company selling products or services to schools? Maybe you are an ex-teacher turned entrepreneur who is looking for a new challenge? Maybe you work in the media and want our positive message to be shared far and wide? Maybe you can help us create a digital marketing strategy with your corporate sector knowledge? Whatever the case, we are keen to hear from you. 

    How to apply

    To apply:

    1. Fill out this form to let us know a bit more about you. Your information is stored securely and will not be shared with anyone outside of Split Banana. 

    2. Please answer these 3 questions, either by writing (200 words max for each question) or by recording a voice note or a video (1 min max for each question):

      • Introduce yourself - what are your hobbies, interests, things that are important to you?

      • Why are you interested in being part of Split Banana’s Advisory Group?

      • What skills and expertise do you bring from your career and life so far?

    3. Attach your CV, LinkedIn, portfolio or anything else that documents your work experience. 

    Send your answers to by 6pm on Sunday 23rd February. After this date, we will have informal calls with shortlisted applicants to decide who to invite to the group. 

    Also, let us know if you would like any additional support to help you complete your application and we will be happy to help.