RSHE Training for Educators

We know that talking about sex and relationships can be a daunting task. Most of us grew up without receiving any sex education. It can be hard to know what good practice looks like. We’re here to change that.

No matter how you work with young people - whether you’re a teacher, youth worker, healthcare professional or any other practitioner - we can help you cover RSHE topics sensitively and with confidence. Our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training sessions give teachers the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to design and deliver comprehensive RSHE.

Our training courses can be adapted to different settings and group sizes. The cost is dependent on the number of hours and participants you require.

How to teach rshe (thumbnail)

This is SB’s flagship training. In the training, we share our RSHE pedagogy and approach, which helps educators to design and deliver inclusive, engaging RSHE. We practise well-tested tips and techniques to navigate ‘tricky’ topics, share up-to-date information on how to deliver in-line with the RSHE guidelines and give free resources.

How to teach RSHE (thumbnail)

This is a shorter training course which supports teachers in Catholic schools to deliver RSHE in a way that is aligned with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The course provide participants with an overview of RSHE, what age-appropriate content looks like, and how it can be delivered in an inclusive way.

How to include LGBTQIA+ experiences (thumbnail)

This training focuses on how to deliver education on LGBTQIA+ experiences. This should be embedded across the RSHE curriculum, not as a stand-alone topic. This training session covers context, inclusive language and guidance around orientations, gender and pronouns.

How to discuss body image (thumbnail)

This training focuses on how to deliver body image education in an inclusive, non-judgemental way. It covers the real history of the body positivity movement as well as some practical tips and activities to help young people build better relationships and foster acceptance with their bodies.

how to reduce harmful sexual behaviours (thumbnail)

This training focuses on what harmful sexual behaviours are, how they might occur within schools and practical strategies to tackle them and provide meaningful, preventative consent education.

how to answer tricky questions (thumbnail)

This training focuses on building staff confidence to answer tricky questions and deal with tricky situations which might arise within RSHE. We share tools and tips and give teachers a chance to practise.

how to teach consent for university students (thumbnail)
how to discuss gender (thumbnail)

This training focuses on how people can better understand and articulate their own boundaries, and respect others’. We explore the nuances of real-life scenarios, practise setting boundaries and end on reflections on pleasure.

We support staff to understand gender and how to discuss it in the classroom. We learn about different gender identities (such as trans and non-binary), as well as the impact of gender stereotypes and gender based discrimination.

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Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Get in touch to chat about how we can best support your school or organisation with a bespoke training day. Types of people who might benefit from bespoke training are…

  • Organisations working with young people

  • School leadership teams

  • Groups of tutors delivering RSHE in schools

  • Groups of healthcare practitioners / social workers / youth workers