Our Resource Hub for Educators
The resources on this page will help you to deepen and expand your understanding of Relationship and Sex Education. They relate to our specific trainings and the three pillars of our pedagogy (approaches, content, narratives).
You will find a mix of different ways to learn depending on your style, you can also check out our recommended RSHE reading list for adults. If you’re after resources for young people, we also have a Resource Hub for them too.
Guide to Trauma Informed Sex Edcuation by Cardea - An informative guide on how to teach sex education in a trauma-informed way.
AGENDA - An interactive resource for educators and researchers with ideas for creative and participatory activities that explore both RSHE topics and inspire change making.
DO… RSE Reflection Guide for Educators
The Sex-ed Diaries - A podcast series that focuses on the changes to RSE in English schools.
The International Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Sexuality Education - An evidence-based must-read that covers how to design, implement and evaluate RSE in educational settings.
BROOK Learn - E-learning courses that you can work through at your own pace, to learn about approaches to RSE, as well as up-skilling on specific topics, from consent to STIs to puberty to abortion.
The Sex-ed Diaries - A podcast series that focuses on the changes to RSE in English schools.
Sex, Explained on Netflix - A documentary series of short episodes exploring the social and historical context of topics like sexual fantasies, birth control and fertility.
Challenging victim blaming language and behaviours when dealing with the online experiences of children and young people - guidance from the UK Council on Internet Safety.
Getting started: A whole school approach to preventing sexism and sexual harassment - guidance from the National Education Union.
Weight Bias Hurts Kids and We’re Not Talking About It - guidance from Edutopia.
How schools teach victim-blaming and rape culture through uniform checks - a report by Rape Crisis.
The Proud Trust - resources for young people and trusted adults to better understand different gender identities and sexual orientations, with advice around how you can be inclusive and supportive.
Principles for Gender Inclusive Puberty and Health Education - a report on how to talk about physical changes inclusively.
LGBTQIA2S+ Key Terms and Definitions for Nurses and Healthcare Providers - a glossary of terms relating to sexuality.
The Origin of Gender - A great short video explaining the history of gender.
RSE and Disability
Undressing Disability - A campaign aiming to raise standards in sexual health and sexual awareness for disabled people.
Talking about sex, sexuality and relationships: Guidance and Standards is for those working with young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions - Some informative guidance from Together for Short Lives.
The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability: For all of us who live with disabilities, chronic pain or illness - by Miriam Kaufman, Cory Silverberg and Fran Odette.
Disability After Dark - A podcast hosted by influencer Andrew Gurza that shines a light on issues surrounding sex and disability.
Survivor’s UK - A support charity for male, non-binary and trans survivors of sexual assault.
Refuge - Refuge supports women, children & men experiencing domestic violence with a range of services including a helpline.
NAZ - A BIPGM-led sexual health agency working to address sexual health inequalities in BAME communities.
Mermaids - Resources, guidances and services for supporting trans youth. Also has a helpline for young people.